Tableau Advanced Use Cases & Features

Color Coding and Labeling of Background for Small Multiples

by Data Boutiq

Creating a control chart as small multiples allows for a clear visualization of the general trend of a specific measure. By incorporating color coding and detailed labeling, you can gain a comprehensive understanding of the business situation.

Benefits of Color Coding and Labeling

  • Highlight Key Areas: Color coding and labeling draw attention to specific parts of the chart, emphasizing important points and trends.
  • Enhance Understanding: They provide additional information, making it easier for the reader to quickly grasp the data and identify key insights.
  • Organize Data: These techniques help organize the data, making it simpler to compare and contrast different parts of the chart.

How to Implement Color Coding and Labeling of Backgrounds for Small Multiples

For step-by-step instructions, check the Tableau Public workbook.

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